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HCI Project Gallery

HCI Project Gallery

Welcome to my HCI project gallery! You can preview, read about and even play many of the team projects we produced over the course of the term. If you're looking for my design manifesto, click on the button below.

For each of the listed projects, I have provided a button that links to the Medium blog post. For two of the projects, you can click the "play" button to interact with them directly. I hope you enjoy browsing some of the neat projects we had the opportunity to create!

A Little About Myself

I am a computer science student at WPI with a wide range of interests. Unsurprisingly, I'm a big fan of computers. I love to program, especially when it relates to graphics and game development. I have also always been interested in graphic design, art and animation. I'm always trying to learn new things and explore the ways I can apply my knowledge. This website is an example of that. Once you're done with this page, I hope you take the opportunity to explore the rest of this site and check out my GitHub. Anyway, I hope you have fun!

Design For Others

In this project, we were tasked with designing a mobile site for a given demographic. We used multiple tools to prototype and refine the design.

Design For Understanding

This project tasked us with building a "clear" visualization and a "creative" visualization. I worked on the "creative" side, programming and designing a 3D globe to visualize earthquakes using the p5 library.

image of final globe

Design For Tension

In this project, we had to design an argumentative chatbot that allowed a user to engage in a debate to explore a topic. We had a lot of fun injecting our bot with humor, and learned a lot about the relatively unexplored art of building a chat-based interface.

image of chatbot

Design For Well-being

This project allowed us to consider how an "emotionally aware" piece of software might change the experience. We leveraged this idea to create a pretty goofy game. You can play an abridged version of that game right here on this site.

image of final face game

Design For Another World

In this project, we created a prototype for a virtual pet that could be played in VR. We aimed to create a fun and relaxing experience. Below is a picture of the duck when he is sad, but it's up to you to make him happy.

image of final vr game